Friday, October 13, 2023

Went to wedding....

 What I did today. I went to cousins wedding, it was soooo..... Weird. I thought i see lots of familiar faces, but no. None of my cousins show up. 

 The wedding was very bad..... . I have been to other ones, they are good. But this one..... no. At the end of the wedding, i'd said the party was good! Because.... I don't want to hurt the other person feelings. I streamed a bit, but lost some footage...... errrgggh sucks!

I did a live stream..... for you guys to see! pt6 pt5 pt4 pt3 pt2 pt1

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Today It was a.... big day. Went to Cousins Wedding

 Today..... We drove up to Canada. We will be spending there couple of days... 3-4 days... . While we were there.... we went to cousins wedd...